**What is Electrotherapy?**
**Electrotherapy** is a treatment technique used for muscle groups that are not functioning properly and for pain in various body areas. The primary goal of **electrotherapy** is to alleviate pain and **muscle weakness** while ensuring that recovery progresses in a controlled manner. Different **electrotherapy methods** are applied by specialists using varying frequencies according to the patient's needs.
One of the most frequently used techniques in **electrotherapy** is **TENS** (**Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation**). This **pain management** method involves placing small electrodes on the skin and applying a low-intensity electrical current. **TENS** works based on the gate control theory, which blocks **pain pathways** to the brain.
**Areas where TENS can be applied:**
- Lumbar and cervical hernias
- Lower back pain, neck pain
- Knee pain, hip pain
- **Sports injuries**
- **Osteoarthritis**
- **Fibromyalgia**
- **MAS disease**
**Areas where TENS should not be applied:**
- Mouth
- Eyes and ears
- Spinal column
- Areas near the heart (left side of the chest)
- Varicose veins
- Numb or insensate areas
- Areas with open wounds
**Situations where TENS should not be used:**
- Patients with a pacemaker
- Presence of epilepsy
- Existing heart rhythm disorders
- Allergy to electrode pads
- During pregnancy
- In wet environments